Food Education

Having basic food education will improve food security, nutrition, contribute to environmental sustainability, and help save time and money. We can do this through various food preservation methods, meal prepping, by being health conscious, participating in food recovery and avoiding food waste.

Food Preservation Methods

Preserving food will give you longer lasting food, preventing spoiling. Some methods of preserving food can allow you to store food for 20 years or more. The longest lasting foods are honey, salt and sugar. There are many different methods of food preserving that can be used, such as: 

Most of these methods can easily be done at home. Save your extra food from spoiling and going to waste, by using one or more of these methods.

Meal Prep

Make a plan to prepare your meals in advance. This can help you portion out your food, so that you know exactly what & when you're going to eat, and how much you may have left. Portioning out your food can also help with controlling how much you eat when it comes to weight gain/loss. You can do this for the day, by the week, by the month and even for the year, if you are using a combination of food preserving methods. Advanced food prepping will also save you time and money. When food is  cooked ahead of time, it will result in minimal time of reheating and preparing your food, once you're ready to eat it. Money will be saved for the same reasons. We know when we're hungry, we are ready to eat anything, which is where fast food comes in. It results in unnecessary money spent, on unhealthy eating choices. Save your time, money & health; meal prep!


Your health is your wealth! The healthier you are the more you can do. Always consult with your doctor or nutritionist for healthy eating habits that will benefit your body specifically. We are all made up differently; what works for your body may not work for a friend or family member. While you're eating healthy, don't forget to exercise. Exercise your body and mind when and if you can. Before doing any physical exercise, you may first need to consult with/or a combination of, your doctor, physical therapist and/or physical fitness trainer to stay safe, depending on your physical needs & abilities. 

Physical Exercise Examples Can Be:

 Mental Exercise Examples Can Be:

Stay active physically and mentally!


Save your seeds from your produce; grow your own food. For other produce that don't have seeds, you can plant whole or plant stem or leaf cuttings. They will regrow roots and make new fruit when they mature. You can start these seeds or plant cuttings in a plant pot or in your yard. If you are looking for specific seeds or a plant that has already started growing; you can  get them at:

To further understand how and when to plant; follow the seed packet instructions or go to the USDA website for plant hardiness zone maps. 


Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Recover

Keep the environment clean, our water sources safe and  the soil that grows our food from being contaminated. We can all do this by being more conscious of what we do with our waste. It helps to know where everything goes. 

Green Bin Trash (Yard Trimmings) 

Such As:

Blue Bin Trash (Recyclables)

Such As: 

Newspaper, mail, magazines, books, printer paper, envelopes, sticky notes, flyers, arts & crafts paper

Cardboard boxes, tissue boxes, cereal boxes, frozen food boxes, shoe boxes, laundry detergent boxes, paper towel & toilet paper rolls

Fruit juice boxes & cartons, milk cartons, wine boxes, cereal boxes

Soda cans, soup cans, fruit & vegetable cans, pie tIns, wire hangers, empty paint & aersol cans, pet food cans, aluminum foil

Pickle jars, spaghetti sauce jars, wine bottles, beer bottles, broken bottles

 Soda bottle, juice bottle, cooking oil bottles, mouthwash bottles, milk jugs, lotion bottles, margarine containers, yogurt cups

Black Bin Trash (Household Trash Sent To Landfills)

Such As:

Heavily soiled papers or bags with oils or food waste

Window glass, mirror glass, auto glass, crystal, ceramics, regular light bulbs

Clothing/fabric, mini blinds, kitchen utensils, lawn furniture, garden hoses, rubber tires, construction materials

Brown Bin Trash (Horse Manure)

Electronic Waste (All Electronics)

Such As:

Phones, tablets, laptops, TVs,

Microwaves, toasters, toaster ovens, air fryers, electrical can openers, stoves, refrigerators

Cords & wirings, batteries, electric & battery operated toys, car batteries, fluorescent & LED light bulbs

*Electronic waste is accepted at the curbside by appointment with LA Sanitation or taken to  LA Sanitation S.A.F.E. Centers & Mobile Collection Events

Hazardous Materials Waste (Household Hazardous Waste)

Such As:

Diabetic needles & lancets, hormone injection needles, Epi-Pens

Pills, liquids, gel caps, vials & injectables

Clothing, bandages, rags or anything heavily soiled in blood/body fluids

Cleaning fluids, automotive fluids, pesticides, oil based paint, garden chemicals, pool cleaners

*Hazardous materials waste can be taken to LA Sanitation S.A.F.E. Centers & Mobile Collection Events


Composting Is A Process That Turns Your Food Waste Into Nutrient Rich Soil To Help Produce Healthy Plants(Food). You Can Compost Food Using A Compost Bin Or Compost Directly In Your Garden.

What Can Be Composted:

What Can't Be Composted:


Nutrition is the study of nutrieints in food, how our bodies use these nutrients to function properly, and the relation it has with your health, your diet and diseases. Nutrients nourish the body, helping it to have energy, proper growth, and cure or  curb disease. There are lots of different kinds of nutrients in food, here are 7 major ones:


LA Sanitation




Harvard School Of Public Health



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